

Transitions Online, 2024: From Revolutionary Chants to Celebratory Beats: Lithuania’s ‘Singing Evolution’

Transitions Online, 2024: Bosnian Youth Embrace Heritage, Welcome Tourism

Transitions Online, 2023: Man up, Balkans

Documenting Peace, 2023: The Female Face of Zenica: Older Women’s Memories as Repositories of Peace

Transitions Online, 2023: In Sarajevo, volunteers become friends with children in need

Enough Stories, 2021: Enough Far-Flung Veg

Italics Magazine, 2021: Roma Pride 2021: Vatican, stay out of our way

Equal Times, 2020: With their country locked out of EU accession talks, Bosnia’s frustrated ’Dayton generation’
is making its own way to Europe

Balkan Insight, 2019: In the Balkans, Online Abuse of Female Journalists is ‘Normal’

NewsMavens, 2019: When a selfie is a crime

OZY, 2019: No joke: Balkan women dare to laugh at male chauvinism

NewsMavens, 2018: When a backlash against propaganda exposes misogyny

NewsMavens, 2018: A man kills his children, yet his wife is blamed

Open Democracy, 2018: How women in the Balkans are using social media to fight sexism

OZY, 2018: How Italy is saying ‘basta’ to fake news

Equal Times, 2018: The politics of language in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Equal Times, 2018: Can Italy make room for its two-wheeled road users?

Blue Link, 2018: Legal Action to Silence Green Action

Euronews, 2017: Slovenians’ hearts beat for Catalonia, but in their heads there is less binding them

Centre for Investigative Reporting, 2006: BiH has pledged to reform and improve higher education, but it hasn’t done much

Centre for Investigative Reporting, 2006: Private schools are springing up as an alternative to public faculties

Centre for Investigative Reporting, 2006: Consumers don’t get much protection in BIH

Centre for Investigative Reporting, 2005: With Disease on the Rise, Citizens Suffer Because of an Unorganized Health Care System


ASEF Culture360, 2023: The source of artisanal creativity is a click away

Italics Magazine, 2021: Street art that empowers women

Transitions Online, 2020: Bosnian Seniors Fight Loneliness Through Arts and Crafts

Balkan Insight, 2020: Online Art Keeps Bosnia’s Isolated Seniors Connected in Pandemic

Equal Times, 2020: Rome’s ‘invisible’ immigrants offer an alternative view of the Eternal City

OZY, 2020: The strange art of ‘ironing out’ depression

OZY, 2020: He tattooed 40,000 X’s on his skin to protest animal cruelty

Equal Times, 2018: In the former Yugoslavia, tourism is reigniting an interest in the concrete legacies of the anti-fascism struggle

France 24, 2018: How ‘iron painting’ became a tool for social inclusion in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Atlas Obscura, 2017: An Abandoned Roman Salami Factory Becomes an Illegal, Inhabited Museum

Euronews, 2017: As communist relics collapse, the band continues to play

Euronews, 2017: Albania’s communist bunkers put to new use

Euronews, 2017: Street artist turns tree stumps into work of art

European Data Journalism Network, 2017: Go East: home is where joy is

The Guardian, 2017: From salami to art: how migrants helped turn Rome factory into a gallery

Euronews, 2017: Bosnian pensioners make art to survive


BBC, 2023: Bosnia and Herzegovina’s mysterious ‘stećci’ stones

BBC, 2022: Ajvar: The vegan ‘caviar’ of the Balkans

Atlas Obscura, 2021: Rome’s Accidental Lake Is an Urban Refuge and Catalyst for Activism

BBC, 2019: Bosnia’s intriguing dessert made by 12 hands

OZY, 2019: Braille Fence at Naples Castle Offers Stunning ‘View’

BBC, 2018: The Portuguese village of giant boulders

OZY, 2018: The Food Truck Serving Up West African Delights in Rome